Case ref:201103712
Date:September 2012
Body:Business Stream Ltd
Outcome:Not upheld, action taken by body to remedy, no recommendations
Subject:incorrect billing
Ms C rented business premises for six months. She said that during that time she had no water and that she eventually left the property when it was declared unfit for use by the council. Nevertheless, Business Stream sent her invoices for the use of water.
From the bills available, we found that it appeared that Ms C was properly charged, and we did not uphold her complaint. We found that there was a water meter in her premises but her landlord had severed the connection, which was not the responsibility of Business Stream.
Although Ms C used no water and was not charged for water consumption, she was still responsible for waste water and drainage payments and it was for these that she had been billed. However, Business Stream recognised that they had not dealt with her in the way they would have wished and reduced her bill by £20 to reflect this.