Child Friendly Complaints

The text "Child friendly complaints, Ensuring children’s rights and needs are met by public service complaints procedures in Scotland" surrounded by a honeycomb pattern


Child Friendly Complaints Training

Our online Child Friendly Complaints training course is designed to support public service organisations handle complaints from and involving children and young people. 

Tailored for complaints handlers and frontline staff, the course shows how organisations can put children and young people’s rights at the heart of the complaints process. It was developed with input from children and young people.

The course can be done in your own time, is approximately 45 minutes long and costs £50 per person.



Child Friendly Complaints Procedure and Process Guidance

On July 16 2024, the United Nation Convention on the Rights of Children (UNCRC) (Incorporation)(Scotland) Act 2024 made Scotland the first country in the UK, and the first devolved nation in the world, to directly incorporate the UNCRC into domestic law.

This Act ensures that children’s rights are central to policy and decision-making, and that their needs are met by public service complaints procedures in Scotland.

The SPSO is being funded by the Scottish Government to develop a child-friendly way for public bodies to handle complaints. We have created Child Friendly Complaints Handling Principles and Child Friendly Complaints Handling Process Guidance to help organisations implement the Model Complaints Handling Procedure in a way that upholds children’s rights under the UNCRC.


The aim of the project is to co-design and implement a public sector complaints service that is compliant with the United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which meets children’s rights and needs, working in co-operation with children and young people, public bodies and wider stakeholders.


We began by consulting a range of children’s rights experts, to better understand the existing theory and good practice surrounding children’s complaints. We spoke to

  • leading academics in fields relevant to children’s rights and participation 
  • third sector organisations with an interest in children’s rights 
  • public bodies with key roles in the oversight and promotion of children’s rights, including the Children’s and Young People’s Commissioner for Scotland


We held 21 co-design workshops to generate and then begin testing ideas for a child friendly approach to complaints handling. In attendance at these workshops were 

  • 50+ children and young people of all ages, from a range of backgrounds and circumstances 
  • 200+ adults who care for or work with children 

"This is how consultation with young people should be done" 

Feedback from a young person following a co-design workshop 

This resulted in pilot versions of a set of Child Friendly Complaints Handling Principles, and a Child Friendly Complaints Handling Procedure. Read more about this in our timeline below.

Child Friendly Complaints Handling Principles


These principles underpin how to handle and investigate complaints from or involving children, in a way that respects their rights under the UNCRC.

These principles are not intended to stand alone. Instead, they add to the main principles, adapting the complaints process to meet children’s rights and needs.

These principles were recently approved by the Scottish Parliament and now form part of our wider Statement of Principles, which all public bodies under our jurisdiction must ensure their complaints procedures comply with.

View the Child Friendly Complaints Handling Principles (PDF, 113KB)


Child Friendly Complaints Handling Process Guidance


This guidance is intended to sit alongside the Child Friendly Complaints Handling Principles (PDF, 113KB), to provide detailed best practice guidance on how to deliver the Model Complaints Handling Procedure in a way that meets children’s rights under the UNCRC. 

By taking an approach of focusing on core principles supported by best practice guidance, we hope to provide public bodies with the flexibility to continue with existing local good practice, whilst also providing detailed step-by-step guidance for those who would find it useful.

View the Child Friendly Complaints Handling Process Guidance (PDF, 319KB)

For parents and carers

Children’s Rights in the Complaints Process: A Guide for Parents and Carers

Our short guide explains how we handle complaints involving children, ensuring their rights are respected, and how we may need parents' help to do so.

Download Children’s Rights in the Complaints Process: A Guide for Parents and Carers (PDF, 242KB)

SPSO's Child Friendly Complaints Launch Event

On Tuesday 16 July 2024, we hosted our Child Friendly Complaints launch event. During the event, we introduced our Child Friendly Complaints Handling Principles and the Child Friendly Complaints Handling Process Guidance. If you were unable to attend, you can access the slide deck or watch the event recording below!

The event was attended by over 450 participants, who posed many insightful questions. In response, we have created an FAQ document addressing these queries. Please note, this document is a compilation of answers from questions raised at the event and is not official guidance from the SPSO. 

Updated: February 4, 2025