Decision Report 201405056

  • Case ref:
  • Date:
    August 2015
  • Body:
    Stirling Council
  • Sector:
    Local Government
  • Outcome:
    Not upheld, no recommendations
  • Subject:
    secondary school


Miss C complained to the council about the lack of support provided by her son's secondary school to meet his additional support needs. She also complained that her son was subject to ongoing bullying, harassment and intimidation by a member of staff. After making their own investigations, the council partially upheld her complaint about her son's support needs not being met as they found insufficient reviews had been carried out with her son, and his learning plan had not been adjusted to meet his needs. The council did not find any evidence to support allegations against the member of staff.

Miss C was unhappy with this response and complained to us that the council had not reasonably addressed her complaints. We investigated and made further enquiries. We found that the council had made reasonable and appropriate enquiries into her concerns and, on the basis of the information available to them, reached a conclusion. While Miss C was unhappy with the outcome, there was no evidence to show that there had been an administrative fault in the council's consideration and, therefore, the merits of those decisions were not subject to review by us. We did not uphold Miss C's complaints.

Updated: March 13, 2018