Decision Report 201508702

  • Case ref:
  • Date:
    June 2016
  • Body:
    Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Board
  • Sector:
  • Outcome:
    Not upheld, no recommendations
  • Subject:
    clinical treatment / diagnosis


Mr and Mrs C complained about the care their daughter (Miss A) received at Stobhill Hospital for treatment of anorexia nervosa. They were concerned about the care plan that was in place and that the board had acted inappropriately when attempting to remove Mrs C as Miss A's named person under the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003. A person being treated under the 2003 Act can choose someone to help protect their interests.

We took independent advice from one of our advisers who is a consultant psychiatrist, and found that the care and treatment was reasonable overall. We considered that staff had appropriately managed situations which could potentially have had a negative effect on Miss A's treatment. We concluded that there was evidence to support that the board were acting in accordance with national guidance and in Miss A's best interests to assist her recovery when attempting to remove Mrs C as named person.

Updated: March 13, 2018