Decision Report 201507726

  • Case ref:
  • Date:
    January 2017
  • Body:
    Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Board
  • Sector:
  • Outcome:
    Not upheld, no recommendations
  • Subject:
    clinical treatment / diagnosis


Mrs C complained that her child (baby A) had been incorrectly treated for tongue tie at Glasgow Royal Infirmary. Tongue tie is a problem affecting some babies with a tight piece of skin between the underside of their tongue and the floor of their mouth. Mrs C also complained that medical staff had provided her with inaccurate advice about her child's care and treatment. Mrs C said that in response to her complaint, medical staff had given misleading accounts of a consultation and a subsequent phone conversation. She also said that she had been denied a second opinion.

We took independent advice from a specialist in surgery for children, who found that baby A had been provided with the appropriate care and treatment. The adviser found that baby A had been referred for a second opinion to a specialist in this type of surgery. We were also advised that the appropriate surgery had been performed and that staff had appropriately suggested that baby A's health visitor make a further referral to Speech and Language Therapy services.

We found there was no evidence that staff had deliberately misrepresented their interactions with Mrs C. We found that the care and treatment was appropriate and that baby A had been referred for a second opinion.

Updated: March 13, 2018