Decision Report 201607114

  • Case ref:
  • Date:
    January 2018
  • Body:
    University of Strathclyde
  • Sector:
  • Outcome:
    Not upheld, no recommendations
  • Subject:
    complaints handling


Mr C complained that the university's handling of his complaint was unreasonable. He felt that the university handled his complaint carelessly and that there was prejudice or bias against him. He said that the university were mistaken about the subject of his complaint, despite him reminding them, and that the university's investigation focused on irrelevant issues and took a different direction from his submitted complaint.

We found that the university's complaint investigators took Mr C's complaint seriously, and investigated it thoroughly and objectively. Having read the complaint Mr C submitted, and the notes of two meetings he had with the investigators, it was clear the university investigated the complaint Mr C made, dealt with the issues he raised, and provided reasonable explanations. Mr C's disagreement with the university's decisions and their interpretation of matters was not, of itself, evidence of an administrative failing on their part. We did not uphold Mr C's complaint.

Updated: March 13, 2018