Decision Report 201708324

  • Case ref:
  • Date:
    July 2018
  • Body:
    Glasgow City Council
  • Sector:
    Local Government
  • Outcome:
    Not upheld, no recommendations
  • Subject:
    special educational needs - assessment & provision


Mr and Mrs C's child (child A) was a pupil in a primary school. Child A started to show signs of difficulty with reading and writing, which became more apparent when they moved into the next school year. Mr and Mrs C removed child A from the school as they believed that the school had told them that they could no longer support their child. Mr and Mrs C complained that the school failed to assess their child for dyslexia and to provide the appropriate support.

We found that the school had acted appropriately in line with the council's "Dyslexia Guidelines". The evidence we received showed that the school assessed child A's needs as they progressed through the school years and that support was provided. We found no evidence to corroborate Mr and Mrs C's view that the school stated that they could no longer support child A. We did not uphold the complaint.

Updated: December 2, 2018