Case ref:201805707
Date:May 2019
Body:A Dentist in the Lanarkshire NHS Board area
Outcome:Not upheld, no recommendations
Subject:clinical treatment / diagnosis
Ms C complained about the treatment she received from the dentist. Ms C was referred to the dentist as she required sedation during dental procedures. Ms C said she was told by the referring dentist that the tooth, which had a missing filling, was salvageable and could be crowned, however when the tooth was assessed, the dentist felt it was not salvageable. Ms C complained that the actions of the dentist led to an infection, cutting of the bone and was essentially unreasonable.
We took independent advice from a dentist. We found that Ms C's treatment by the dentist was reasonable and found no failings in the treatment offered. When the planned treatment changed, Ms C was brought back from sedation so she would be in a position to consent to treatment. The treatment was carried out in a reasonable manner. Therefore, we did not uphold the complaint.