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Decision Report 202307639

  • Case ref:
  • Date:
    September 2024
  • Body:
    Forth Valley NHS Board
  • Sector:
  • Outcome:
    Some upheld, recommendations
  • Subject:
    Clinical treatment / diagnosis


C complained that the board failed to provide their sibling (A, a prisoner) with medication in a reasonable manner. C complained that the injection for A’s condition was not administered in line with the prescribing consultant’s instructions and that the board’s view that the acknowledged delays did not negatively impact A was unreasonable. C was also unhappy with the way that A’s other medications were managed.

We took independent advice from a GP. We found that there was an unreasonable delay when one of the injections was administered and guidance did not support the board’s view that no detriment would have been caused by this delay. We also found that the record keeping for the other medications administered during that period did not indicate that other medications were provided at regular intervals. This was unreasonable. Therefore, we upheld this part of C's complaint.

C also complained that the board unreasonably failed to arrange or rearrange hospital appointments for A. We found that some elements of this complaint were outwith the board’s control, in relation to third party organisations being involved in transportation. Whilst there were instances where A’s transport requests were not sent within the timeframes set out by guidance, overall we considered that the board’s efforts to schedule transport were reasonable. Where an appointment was cancelled due to transport issues, the board took quick action to reschedule the appointment and rearrange transport. This was reasonable. Therefore, we did not uphold this part of C's complaint.


What we asked the organisation to do in this case:

  • Apologise to C for failing to provide A with medication in a reasonable manner. The apology should meet the standards set out in the SPSO guidelines on apology available at www.spso.org.uk/information-leaflets.

What we said should change to put things right in future:

  • Medication should be prescribed in line with specialist advice.
  • When there are multiple delays in administering medication action is taken to avoid the issue repeating.

We have asked the organisation to provide us with evidence that they have implemented the recommendations we have made on this case by the deadline we set.

Updated: September 18, 2024