Investigation Report S.64-02-03

  • Report no:
  • Date:
    August 2003
  • Body:
    General Practitioner Renfrewshire Area
  • Sector:

The complainant, Mr D, had been removed from his GPs' list after a telephone conversation with the receptionist during which Mr D insisted that the surgery arrange blood tests for his daughter. Dr E that she had removed him from her list because of the distress experienced by the receptionist after her telephone conversation with him and aggression shown to staff members was regarded by the practice as a breakdown in the doctor-patient relationship. Mr D requested an independent review of his complaint. He was informed that the Convener was turning down his request because a review had no authority to reverse the practice’s decision to remove him from their list and that his daughter had been treated with all reasonable care by the general practitioners within the practice.

Updated: December 11, 2018