Investigation Report 200802376

  • Report no:
  • Date:
    November 2009
  • Body:
    Highland NHS Board
  • Sector:

The complainant (Mr C) raised a number of concerns about the care and treatment he received during three Accident and Emergency admissions at Campbeltown Hospital (Hospital 1) on 24 and 26 August 2008.

Specific complaint and conclusion
The complaint which has been investigated is that Highland NHS Board (the Board) failed to provide Mr C with adequate care and treatment at Hospital 1 on 24 and 26 August 2008 (upheld).

Redress and recommendation
The Ombudsman recommends that the Board apologise to Mr C in writing for the failing identified in this report and their failure to provide him with adequate care and treatment on 24 and 26 August 2008.

The Board have accepted the recommendations and will act on them accordingly.

Updated: December 11, 2018