Festive closure

We will close at 5pm on Tuesday 24 December 2024 and reopen at 9am Friday 3 January 2025. You can still submit complaints through our online form, but we won't respond until we reopen.

SPSO's British Sign Language Plan

We are delighted to publish our first British Sign Language (BSL) Plan today. This Plan sets out the actions which the SPSO will take over the period 2018-2023 to improve access to information and services for BSL users.

As with the National BSL Plan, our Plan starts from the principled position that BSL is a language in its own right. Like all other citizens of Scotland, BSL users have the right to engage with and access information about SPSO and our service when they so choose, without unnecessary barriers.

Our BSL Plan was developed with input from the Scottish Parliament and other Parliamentary Officeholders, and from feedback gathered from BSL users.

We are committed to continued engagement, and we see this Plan as a 'living document'. As such, it will be revised and reissued as necessary, with a review of our progress scheduled for 2021.

We would welcome any feedback or comments on our Plan and our commitments.

Watch the BSL version of our Plan:


Updated: March 17, 2021