Decision Report 201303059

  • Case ref:
  • Date:
    July 2014
  • Body:
    A Dentist in the Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Board area
  • Sector:
  • Outcome:
    Not upheld, no recommendations
  • Subject:
    clinical treatment / diagnosis


Ms C said that when she attended for her six-monthly check up at the dental practice, she reported a problem with a tooth where she had previously had root canal treatment. The dentist said that she had a slight infection and that she needed more work on the tooth. Ms C then complained that the treatment was not carried out in a reasonable way, and that the dentist had not had a proper x-ray done before starting the work. When Ms C raised these matters with the dentist, she said he behaved inappropriately and removed her from his list.

After obtaining independent advice from one of our dental advisers, we did not uphold Ms C's complaints. The adviser said that the records showed that an x-ray was taken to establish the working length of the tooth and the length of the filling required. This x-ray did not need to be ready on the day it was taken, but on the day the filling was to be done, and was the x-ray that Ms C (incorrectly) thought had not worked. Ms C also got an infection in the tooth, which was not uncommon, and the dentist had treated it appropriately with antibiotics. Ms C had disputed her care with the dentist and did not accept his explanations about it. The dentist then decided that in his view, as the trust between them had broken down, it would be more appropriate for Ms C to change dentist. Our investigation confirmed that, given the circumstances, he was entitled to do this.

Updated: March 13, 2018