Investigation Report 201204933

  • Report no:
  • Date:
    January 2014
  • Body:
    Grampian NHS Board
  • Sector:

The complainant (Mrs C) complained on behalf of her mother (Mrs A) to Grampian NHS Board (the Board) about the care and treatment her father (Mr A) received while a patient in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary (the Hospital) from 5 August to 23 September 2012.  Mr A had been admitted to the Hospital's Acute Stroke Unit after suffering a stroke at home.  Mr A died in the Hospital on 23 September 2012.

Specific complaints and conclusions
The complaints which have been investigated are that:

  • Mr A's medical care in the Hospital from 5 August to 23 September 2012 fell below a reasonable standard (upheld); and
  • Mr A's nursing care in the Hospital from 5 August to 23 September 2012 fell below a reasonable standard (upheld).

Redress and recommendations
The Ombudsman recommends that the Board:

  • draw this report to the attention of all senior medical staff involved in Mr A's care;
  • take steps to put in place an action plan to address the failings identified in this report;
  • ensure that staff document relevant discussions they have with a patient's family or their carer;
  • act upon the comments of Adviser 1 in relation to the introduction of a policy on the certification of a patient's death;
  • draw to the attention of relevant staff, the importance of providing evidenced based complaints responses;
  • share with relevant nursing staff the comments of Adviser 2 with regard to maintaining a patient's dignity;
  • draw to the attention of relevant staff, Adviser 2's concerns about the Board's rationale for removing Mr A's pyjama bottoms; and
  • apologise to Mrs A and her family for the failings identified in complaints (a) and (b).

The Board have accepted the recommendations and will act on them accordingly.

Updated: December 11, 2018