Decision report 201200652

  • Case ref:
  • Date:
    December 2012
  • Body:
    Glasgow Life
  • Sector:
    Local Government
  • Outcome:
    Some upheld, recommendations
  • Subject:
    hall letting, indoor facilities, libraries, museums etc


Mr C complained that the health suite in a leisure centre was closed so often in 2011 that Glasgow Life were failing to provide him with an adequate membership service. He thought that he should have been compensated for this.

We investigated the complaint, and asked Glasgow Life for details of all the leisure centre's closures in 2011. We found that there was a planned closure for six weeks at the very beginning of the year for refurbishment, and several unforeseen closures in April/May due to technical problems. These closures led to a permanent repair being made, which took two weeks in October/November. Glasgow Life also provided details of how they had mitigated the effects of the repairs and the offers made to customers for alternative use in other facilities, or to put their membership on hold, where appropriate.

Taking these details into account, we were satisfied that Glasgow Life had acted appropriately and we did not uphold this complaint. However, Mr C also complained that Glasgow Life had delayed in dealing with his formal complaint. Available correspondence indicated that this had been the case, and we upheld this part of the complaint.


We recommended that Glasgow Life:

  • apologise for failing to deal with the complaint in terms of their complaints procedure.


Updated: March 13, 2018