Decision report 201203449

  • Case ref:
  • Date:
    April 2013
  • Body:
    Scottish Prison Service
  • Sector:
  • Outcome:
    Not upheld, no recommendations
  • Subject:


Mr C, who is a prisoner, complained that the prison inappropriately failed to include his comments about his progression (movement through the prison system to less supervised conditions) in his integrated case management (ICM) record. In particular, the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) did not progress him to less secure conditions and Mr C wanted his unhappiness about that to be noted so that the parole board could take it into account at his review.

When we investigated the complaint, the prison advised us that both Mr C's position and the SPS' position in relation to his progression had been noted in his ICM record. In addition, the prison confirmed that they had responded to Mr C's complaints about this and the position had been explained to him. In addition, we noted that Mr C would have an opportunity to speak to a member of the parole board before his review. Having taken account of all of the information available, we were satisfied that the prison appropriately noted the position in relation to Mr C's progression in his ICM record and because of that, we did not uphold his complaint.

Updated: March 13, 2018