Case ref:201300402
Date:February 2014
Body:Loreburn Housing Association Ltd
Sector:Housing Associations
Outcome:Not upheld, no recommendations
Subject:neighbour disputes and anti-social behaviour
Ms C, who is a solicitor, complained on behalf of her clients (Mr and Ms A) about the way they had been treated when they complained to the housing association about anti-social behaviour from their neighbours. She said the association failed to follow their processes and procedures and that a member of staff was rude to her clients during a phone call.
Our investigation found that the housing association had in fact taken effective, appropriate action to resolve various incidents that had been complained about over a long period. There was evidence to show that they were in regular contact with Mr and Ms A, and involved other agencies as appropriate, and that they had dealt with formal complaints as set out in their complaints policy and procedures. On the matter of the phone call, as the association do not record calls, there was no objective evidence on which we could base a decision.