Decision Report 201911608

  • Case ref:
  • Date:
    July 2021
  • Body:
    Wheatley Housing Group Ltd
  • Sector:
    Housing Associations
  • Outcome:
    Some upheld, no recommendations
  • Subject:
    Repairs and maintenance


C complained about the condition of the flat that they had moved into and the way the association had handled their reports of disrepair and their subsequent complaint. C felt that they had been pressured into accepting a property which was not fit for human habitation. C said that the association had been obstructive and bullying, ignoring both C and their partner's significant health issues, as well as their new baby.

We found that the association had accepted that the flat C moved into had required work, which should have been identified and carried out while it was empty. The association had apologised for this and paid C £500 compensation. C had also been provided with vouchers to assist with their decorating costs.

We found that the association's actions were reasonable; although it was not disputed the flat's condition had fallen below a reasonable standard, the association had recognised this, met with C, apologised, paid them compensation and arranged for repair work to be carried out within the property. Some of the issues C had raised were not the responsibility of the association, such as pest control and the decoration of the flat internally. We upheld this aspect of C's complaint but made no further recommendations.

Updated: July 21, 2021