Investigation Report 200700183

  • Report no:
  • Date:
    December 2007
  • Body:
    200700300 Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Board and Western Isles NHS Board
  • Sector:


The complainant (Mr C) raised a number of concerns about the care and treatment he received from Western Isles NHS Board (Board 1) and Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Board (Board 2) following a sudden onset of severe leg pain in November 2005.  Mr C also complained about the handling of his complaints by both Boards.

Specific complaints and conclusions

The complaints which have been investigated are that:

  • (a) Board 1 failed to provide timely or appropriate care and treatment to Mr C (not upheld);
  • (b) Board 1 failed to promptly or adequately address Mr C's complaints (not upheld);
  • (c) Board 2 failed to provide timely or appropriate care and treatment to Mr C (not upheld) and;
  • (d) Board 2 failed to promptly or adequately address Mr C's complaints (not upheld).

Redress and recommendations

The Ombudsman has no recommendations to make.

Updated: December 11, 2018