The complainant raised a concern that her mother (Mrs A) had been refused NHS Continuing Care Funding by Lothian NHS Board.
Specific complaint and conclusion
The complaint which has been investigated is that Mrs A was unreasonably refused NHS Continuing Care Funding (not upheld).
Redress and Recommendations
The Ombudsman has no recommendation to make.
Further Action
This and other complaints to the Ombudsman indicated an urgent need to review the guidance on NHS Continuing Care Funding which was issued more than 11 years ago. This is not a matter which an individual Health Board is able to address so cannot be resolved within this report. The Ombudsman has previously drawn this matter to the attention of the (then) Scottish Executive Health Department and has now been informed that a review of this policy is underway with the intention that it will report in January 2008. In light of this action this office has formally suspended consideration of any further complaints raised with us on this matter pending the outcome of the review by the Scottish Government Department of Health and Wellbeing.