This page contains SPSO handbooks. Information below each link tells you the contents for each handbook.
Please contact us to request these documents in another format.
Information Governance (PDF, 1.1MB)
- Records Management Plan
- Records Management Policy
- Business Classification Scheme
- Case File Management Guidance
- Retention and Disposal Policy
- Information Sharing Policy
- Electronic Information Sharing - eRDM Connect
- Records Management and Security Guidance: sharing information off-network and out-of-office
- Clear Desk and Screen Policy
- Protective Marking System
- Access to Information Legislation
- Data Protection Policy and Procedure
- Data Protection Legislation
- Subject Access Requests
- Data Protection Impact assessments: process and supplementary guidance
- Protocol for data security incidents
- SPSO Covert recording policy
- Governance Overview
- Scheme of Internal Control
- Governance Reporting Arrangements
- Scheme of Delegation (PDF, 156KB)
- Code of Professional Conduct (incorporating the Register of Interests)
- Whistleblowing Policy (PDF, 682KB)
- Anti-Fraud Policy and Response Plan
- Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy (incorporating Gifts and Hospitality)
- Incident Reporting
- Risk Management and Incident Reporting Policy
- Overview
- Authority to purchase
- Separation of duties
- Legal obligations
- Procurement challenges and complaints
- Effective competition
- Procurement standards
- Procurement requiring tendering
Supplementary Finance Policies and Procedures including Budgetary Controls (PDF, 363KB)
- Procurement Procedure - Sustainable procurement, Disposal, SPSO credit card and Petty Cash
- Travel and expenses policy
- Gifts and hospitality
- Budgetary control and financial planning policy
- Budgetary control and financial planning procedure
Business Continuity Plan (PDF, 375KB)
- Business Continuity Policy
- Disruption to work - further policy information
- Incident Response Plan
Bridgeside House - Health, Safety and Security (PDF, 936KB)
- Joint statement of principles
- General health and safety policy statement
- Health and safety policy statement
- Communication and consultation
- Information, instruction and training
- Monitoring, audit and review of safety performance
- Office-holder-specific policies for consideration
Mental Health and Wellbeing Framework (PDF, 521KB)
- Introduction
- Mental Health in the Workplace
- Why do we need this framework?
- Framework Structure
- Strategic Action Plan
- Measuring, Reviewing and Reporting the Framework
- Introduction
- Aims
- Background: climate change and its impact
- Public sector legislation and policy drivers
- Climate change targets: SPSO our progress so far
- Building on success: working towards our net zero ambition